To the EarthCheck Design Accredited Professional community,
Recently I’ve had the opportunity to dive into the world of green, social and sustainable finance and investment, particularly related to the realm of evidence backed sustainability assessment. As you’re familiar with the EarthCheck Standards you will understand that the commitment of developers and asset operators to improving beyond baseline asset performance and aiming to be best practice in industry drives great yields to the environmental and social and economic well-being of the development. Sustainable finance is a rapidly growing industry and to prevent green-washing and ensure the climate risk is addressed these tools necessitate science backed and credible sustainability assessment and certification which EarthCheck has and will continue to deliver. For our clients across the globe and yours we invite you to share the Insights Update (links below) via your LinkedIn channels or by directly emailing your customers the weblink.
In coming months through EarthCheck Design we will continue to deliver the certification services with you (including the Building Planning and Design Standard), we will to deliver the updated Precinct Planning and Design Standard for multi and mixed use developments as well as an training package to support you and we will continue development of Sustainable Investment Reporting tools and keep you updated about these.
If you have any questions about the Sustainable Investment Reporting and the report attached please let me know using the form linked below.
Sustainable Investment Reporting | Questions and Comments Form
Best regards,
Christopher Fullon
Program Manager, EarthCheck Design