Environmental & Social
Responsibility at EarthCheck

In today's rapidly evolving world, we must adapt and reformulate our business strategies to keep pace with the changing times. People's attitudes are shifting, and we are facing fast-paced disruptions due to climate change, digital transformations, and a movement towards a cleaner, greener environment. This makes it incredibly important for us to stay prepared and flexible.

To reach ‘net-zero’ emissions, it’s crucial for businesses, especially in travel and tourism, to lessen their impact on the environment. The travel industry contributes greatly to global emissions, so convincing people to choose more eco-friendly travel options is a big task and an opportunity. To do this, we must understand what drives people’s choices, offer them sustainable alternatives, and communicate these options effectively. As Professor David Simmons, the Chairman of the EarthCheck Research Institute, points out, “You can’t hope to have a sustainable tourism industry on an unsustainable planet. Tourism, local community ownership and a safe and healthy environment are joined at the hip.”

To encourage more people to choose sustainable options, we need to understand what motivates them, create sustainable choices, and promote them effectively. As a business, we’re committed to this approach. Our team is involved in many sustainability and social initiatives, such as supporting homeless charities, organising staff produce trading programs, and raising funds for direct climate action.

See EarthCheck’s sustainable initiatives here. 

You can’t hope to have a sustainable tourism industry on an unsustainable planet. Tourism, local community ownership and a safe and healthy environment are joined at the hip.

Good for Business, Good for the Planet

At EarthCheck, we are committed to reducing and preventing the negative environmental, social and cultural impacts associated with our activities, products and services. We are committed to enriching local communities and protecting the planet for future generations. By informing and educating our employees, members and other stakeholders, we set the stage to protect our surrounding ecosystems and contribute to the continuous improvement of our planet.

We are continuously improving our operating practices to reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 

Our dedicated Green Team developed a policy detailing our commitment to environmental protection, continual improvement, legal compliance, local employment, and preference of purchasing local products and services.

We also adopt a quality management system designed to adhere to the requirements of ISO9001 and ISO17065. We encourage our staff to maintain this commitment to environmental and social responsibilities and quality management in our daily operations and we seek support from our customers, service providers, business partners, contractors and suppliers to deliver improved outcomes. 

We would appreciate any feedback or comments you may have regarding the Policy. Please see the policy in the download & links.

1. Commitment and policy

We’re dedicated to lessening any harm our activities, products, and services might have on our environment, society, and cultural heritage. We want to make local communities better and keep our planet safe for future generations. By teaching our staff, members, and other partners about these matters, we aim to protect our local environments and help make our planet a better place.

We’re always trying to find ways to lessen the environmental impact of our operations, with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals guiding us. These goals are our roadmap to make the tourism industry more responsible and environmentally friendly.

Our ‘Green Team’ has created a policy that outlines our promise to look after the environment, continually improve, abide by the law, employ locals, and prefer local products and services. We also use a management system to ensure we meet quality standards, aligning with ISO 9001 and ISO 17065 requirements. We motivate our staff to be conscious of the environment and society, and we seek support from customers, partners, contractors, and suppliers to achieve better results.

We value your thoughts about our policy. You can find and download the policy using the links provided.

2) Benchmarking and performance

You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

We are committed to continually improving our environmental and social sustainability performance by undergoing an annual benchmarking evaluation. In our latest benchmarking assessment, we achieved regional leader for waste sent to landfill but could improve our energy and potable water consumption. We are working with the owner of our building Marquette Properties, to try and improve those indicators.

The EarthCheck Performance Report provides an overview of our successes, areas for improvement, our progress over time and how we compare to our competitors. You can view our latest Performance Report in the download & links section. If you have any questions about the data, please contact us at info@earthcheck.org

3) Governance

Governance is about making sure our business follows the rules and regulations. At EarthCheck, we look at all current and possible effects our work might have on the environment, society, and cultural aspects. We do this through a risk assessment, and we keep a record of all the rules we need to follow in a legislation register.

When we do this risk assessment, we think it’s important to listen to what our partners and other interested parties have to say. We’ve put our assessment on this page for you to download and see.

4) Sustainability and energy approach

At EarthCheck, we use a comprehensive approach to sustainability in all that we do. This approach guides how we manage and improve our impact on the environment and society.

Our dedicated Green Team at EarthCheck has crafted a Sustainability Action Plan. This plan sets out our goals, the steps we’re taking to reach them, and the benchmarks we use to measure progress across 10 Key Performance Areas. If you’d like to know more about our sustainability targets please reach out.

5) Communication

Clear communication of our sustainability activities, goals and objectives is essential for effective stakeholder engagement. Communicating with our stakeholders ensures that they are aware of their role and how they can positively contribute to EarthCheck’s sustainability goals.

EarthCheck’s Monthly Tips is our e-newsletter providing you with the latest updates, industry news and resources all in the one place. We also communicate any sustainable initiatives from our members.

If you are an EarthCheck member and would like to receive EarthCheck’s Monthly Tips, please send an email to relationshipmgt@earthcheck.org or your dedicated Relationship Manager.

Learn more about our initiatives by visiting the link below

As the global economy starts to open up again, it provides a rare opportunity to reset and reimagine how our destination management and business plans can be enhanced to better meet the needs of the new normal.​

It heralds a time when we are seeing shifts in consumer and community sentiment and accelerating disruptions from climate change, digitisation and decarbonisation. Managing risk, building resilience and factoring in adaptation and recovery responses are now required as standard operating procedures.

As Professor David Simmons, the Chairman of the EarthCheck Research Institute, says ““you can’t hope to have a sustainable tourism industry on an unsustainable planet. Tourism, local community ownership and a safe and healthy environment are joined at the hip. We have to define the values and purpose of why we travel and we have to use them as a signpost and GPS for how we manage and direct the future growth of our industry.”

It is now clear that the post COVID-19 conscious consumer will begin to scrutinise every aspect of a destination, business and supply chain. Here at EarthCheck we are working hard to provide our members with practical and positive solutions for where we collectively can make a difference. Our rallying message from inception has been and still is that: the planet deserves more than half measures.™

Our rallying message from inception has been and still is that: the planet deserves more than half measures.™​

Walking the Talk

At EarthCheck, we are committed to reducing and preventing the negative environmental, social and cultural impacts associated with our activities, products and services. We are committed to enriching local communities and protecting the planet for future generations. By informing and educating our employees, members and other stakeholders, we set the stage to protect our surrounding ecosystems and contribute to the continuous improvement of our planet.

We are continuously improving our operating practices to reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are our guiding light as we move towards a more responsible and sustainable tourism industry.

Our dedicated Green Team developed a Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Policy detailing our commitment to environmental protection, continual improvement, legal compliance, local employment, and preference of purchasing local products and services.

We also adopt a total Quality Management System designed to adhere to the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 17065. We encourage our staff to maintain this commitment to environmental and social responsibilities and quality management in our daily operations and we seek support from our customers, service providers, business partners, contractors and suppliers to deliver improved outcomes. 

We would appreciate any feedback or comments you may have regarding the Policy. Please see the Policy in the download & links.

1. Commitment and Policy

At EarthCheck, we are committed to reducing and preventing the negative environmental, social and cultural impacts associated with our activities, products and services. We are committed to enriching local communities and protecting the planet for future generations. By informing and educating our employees, members and other stakeholders, we set the stage to protect our surrounding ecosystems and contribute to the continuous improvement of our planet.

We are continuously improving our operating practices to reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are our guiding light as we move towards a more responsible and sustainable tourism industry.

Our dedicated Green Team developed a Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Policy detailing our commitment to environmental protection, continual improvement, legal compliance, local employment, and preference of purchasing local products and services.

We also adopt a total Quality Management System designed to adhere to the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 17065. We encourage our staff to maintain this commitment to environmental and social responsibilities and quality management in our daily operations and we seek support from our customers, service providers, business partners, contractors and suppliers to deliver improved outcomes. 

We would appreciate any feedback or comments you may have regarding the Policy. Please see the Policy in the download & links.

2) Benchmarking and Performance

You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

We are committed to continually improving our environmental and social sustainability performance by undergoing an annual benchmarking evaluation. In our latest benchmarking assessment, we achieved regional leader for waste sent to landfill but could improve our energy and potable water consumption. We are working with the owner of our building Mirvac, to try and improve those indicators.

The EarthCheck Performance Report provides an overview of our successes, areas for improvement, our progress over time and how we compare to our competitors. You can view our latest Performance Report in the download & links section. If you have any questions about the data, please contact us at info@earthcheck.org

3) Governance

Governance addresses the requirements of an organisation’s regulatory compliance. EarthCheck assesses all actual and potential environmental, social and cultural risks in relation to our scope through a risk assessment and record our regulatory requirements in the form of a legislation register.

When undertaking the risk assessment, it is important to seek and consider the views of stakeholders. We’ve made ours available for download on this page.

4) Sustainability and Energy Approach

EarthCheck takes a holistic sustainability approach in our operations. A sustainability approach is the way in which an organisation manages and improves its overall environmental and social performance.

Our EarthCheck Green Team developed a Sustainability Action Plan outlining our objectives, actions and targets that guide the initiatives we implement against 10 Key Performance Areas. To learn more about our targets for 2021, please feel free to download the infographic from the download & links section.

5) Communication

Clear communication of our sustainability activities, goals and objectives is essential for effective stakeholder engagement. Communicating with our stakeholders ensures that they are aware of their role and how they can positively contribute to EarthCheck’s sustainability goals.

EarthCheck’s Weekly Tips is our e-newsletter providing you with sustainable tips and information around a selected issue each week. We also communicate any sustainable initiatives from our members.

If you are an EarthCheck member and would like to receive EarthCheck’s Weekly Tips, please send an email to relationshipmgt@earthcheck.org or your dedicated Relationship Manager.

Learn more about our initiatives by visiting the link below

Science-backed sustainability solutions for tourism,
delivered by the experts.

EarthCheck Logo

of Country

There are more than 476 million Indigenous Peoples, found in all regions of the world, from the Arctic to the tropical forests. They make up more than 6 per cent of our global population.


In the spirit of reconciliation, EarthCheck acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout the world and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Indigenous Peoples today.


EarthCheck acknowledges that Indigenous Peoples are guardians of the forests and biodiversity hotspots we all depend on. Research shows that lands managed by Indigenous Peoples, with secure rights, experience lower deforestation rates, store more carbon, hold more biodiversity, and benefit more people than other lands — including protected areas.


We recognise and support the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Declaration is a positive document that maps out a path for Indigenous Peoples to be free from discrimination and secure in their identities and life choices.

EarthCheck Logo

EarthCheck Certified: Aligned globally

EarthCheck science and products were developed by the Australian Government Sustainable Tourism Co-operative Research Centre (STCRC) over ten years. Our science is reviewed annually to ensure that it meets international standards relative to greenhouse gas protocols, responsible tourism, and certification.

EarthCheck products and services are built on the Agenda 21 principles for Sustainable Development endorsed by 182 Heads of State at the United Nations Rio De Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 and aligned to the SDGs.

EarthCheck Certified provides a framework for organisations to achieve the desired outcomes for sustainable development as set out in the final report of the World Summit for Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002.

EarthCheck Certified complies with the Mohonk Agreement (2000), which outlines the guidelines and principles for an international sustainable tourism certification program. It is also a Recognised program of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).

EarthCheck Certified is a verification standard accepted by CDP. It is also an approved program of the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA), London & Partners, the Mexican Secretary of Tourism (SECTUR) and the City of Sydney.

EarthCheck Certified is an approved program for meeting the EU Energy Directive for the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle – BAFA) in Germany and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy) in the Netherlands.

EarthCheck partners with international research organisations to maintain the currency of EarthCheck science and our benchmarking systems.

The EarthCheck brand signifies scientific excellence, better environmental, economic, and social performance, improved community interactions, and savings through more efficient use of resources. It provides recognition and promotional support to a global consumer market.